Home Decor For Nature Based Play

Date :
April 17, 2018

How do we get kids interested in nature based play instead of video games?

I love getting the kids outdoors and nothing gets the children more excited about going for a walk than the prospects of treasure hunting!  My children love this kind of nature based play, picking up interesting pods, nuts and leaves. We always come home with pockets full of special and curious goodies.

What to do with the treasures when you get home?  We created a fun wall hanging using our collected treasures in this easy craft that has lead to many requests for more walks and more treasure hunts.

What you’ll need:

  • String
  • Scissors
  • PVA or crafting glue
  • Stick
  • Nature treasures

To make:

  1. Using the string tie some lengths onto your stick.  Make sure to also tie a handle on top to hang with.Nature Based Wall Hanging Rope and Stick
  2. Sort through your treasures. We tried to use lots of different colours and shapes. Lay your hanging flat and space them out where you’d like them to go. nature based play wall hanging leaves gumnuts
  3. Some of our treasures we tied on and some we had to secure with glue.nature based play wall hanging gum nuts leaves flowers
  4. To finish off our wall hanging we made a posy of treasures and tied them on to the top of the stick. nature play wall hanger gum nuts leaves flowers
  5. Find somewhere to admire your handiwork and inspire you to head outdoors for another treasure hunt.

With this easy craft you can encourage nature based play with your children!

Crafty Bel This is a contribution from Crafty Bel!  Crafty Bel is here to help stimulate little imaginations and spark a creative flame in little people. Inspired by May Gibbs’ own passion for creative writing and art, Bel helps educators and mums to embrace nature inspired creativity. You can find more of Bel’s work at Mums Take Five.


Home Decor For Nature Based Play