Do You Want to Make an Aussie Inspired Snowman?

Date :
June 4, 2022

An Aussie inspired snowman craft Make your own Aussie inspired snowman this winter

Do you want to make an Aussie inspired snowman but don’t live near the snow? 

In Australia, there are only some parts of the south which can expect snowfalls during the winter months.  

But just because it doesn’t snow everywhere in Australia, doesn’t mean you have to miss out on fun in the snow.  

Why not make your own snow? I’ll show you how with this easy DIY recipe! This craft activity is a lot of fun and feels like REAL snow. Best of all, it won’t melt and you won’t get wet playing with it! 

Ingredients and materials for making homemade snow

  • Materials to make Aussie Inspired snowman4 cups of bicarb soda  
  • 1 cup of cold water 
  • baking tray 
  • spatula 
  • sticks, gumnuts, leaves and beads to decorate your snowman 




Tip: Place the box of bicarb soda in the freezer before beginning this craft. This isn’t a necessary step, but if you want your homemade snow to feel cold, I recommend this step. 1-2 hours is long enough. 

Step 1: Empty 4 cups of frozen (or room temperature) bicarb soda into the baking tray. 

Step 2: Fill a jug with 1 cup of cold water. 

4 easy steps to make snow - mixing bi-carb with waterStep 3Slowly pour 1 cup of the cold water into the bicarb soda. Use a spatula to mix it in sweeping motions. 

Step 4: Continue to use the spatula to mix the water and bicarb soda until you get the consistency of snow.  

Once the snow is made, it’s time to have some fun!  

Make an Aussie Inspired Snowman

A traditional snowman will have a carrot for a nose and sticks for arms. The hat and scarf are usually items retrieved from a wardrobe. Stones or pine cones can be used as eyes and buttons.  

For our Aussie inspired snowman though, we’re going to use gumnuts of various sizes, a large gumnut for the hat, sticks for arms, an orange bead for the nose and leftover May Gibbs ribbon for the scarf.  

Step 1: Roll your snow into 3 snowballs.  

Step 2: Pile each snowball on top of each other to make the snowman. Add 2 small gumnuts for eyes, the bead for the nose and a large gumnut for the hat.  

Steps to assemble Aussie snowman craft

Step 3: Add sticks for arms and ribbon for a scarf.  

Step 4: You can also make a snowman without the gumnut hat and use mini gumnuts for the buttons on the body.  

If it doesn’t snow where you live in Australia, try making this homemade snow recipe. You won’t miss out on the fun of making your own snowman when you can DIY at home! 

Aussie Snowman, complete with May Gibbs fabric scarf

May Gibbs Craft

Crafty Bec
Crafty Bec is here to help stimulate little imaginations and spark a creative flame in little people. Inspired by May Gibbs’ own passion for creative writing and art, Bec helps educators and mums to embrace nature inspired creativity.