Australian Animal Christmas Craft – Echidna Decoration

Date :
November 25, 2020

Australia is known for its unique animals, of which many feature in Snugglepot and Cuddlepie’s adventures

This time last year and earlier this year, bushfires made a catastrophic impact on our Australian wildlife. It was estimated that nearly 3 billion animals were killed or displaced due to the 2019/2020 bushfires. 

The statistics are heartbreaking and devastating. But I wanted to share with you the incredible resilience of one of Australia’s unique mammals, the echidna.  

Scientists have discovered when a bushfire threatens an echidna’s habitat, rather than run to escape the flames, it will burrow itself into the ground to allow the fire to blow over.  Often, this can damage their spikes, which will regrow over time. 


With 2020 being a year of extremes, we can take encouragement from the echidna that if we burrow deep, we too can survive the heat. 

What better way to instil this reminder than to make Australian Animal Craft – an Echidna Decoration for Christmas?  


Gathered leaves of all sizes and colours

Small paper plate


Craft glue

Stick for the beak

Googley eye




1. Cut a paper plate in half to make the body of the echidna. 

2. Glue the stick for a beak and googley eye on the plate. 

3. Layer leaves on the paper plate to create the echidna spikes

4. Continue to layer the leaves over each other to create a spike effect. Interweave different coloured leaves for greater effect.

5. Paint some glue on the leaves and sprinkle glitter to give the echidna a Christmas sparkle.  

6. Tie some twine through the top of the echidna to hang on the Christmas tree. 

Other Australian Inspired Christmas Craft Ideas

Paper Plate Gum Leaf Christmas Craft

Australian Gumnut Christmas Wreath

Make a Stick Tree Christmas Decoration