Eucalyptus Infused Pine Cone Flowers

Date :
August 20, 2022

Pine Cone Flower CraftEucalyptus trees are an essential part of the Australian landscape. Their signature scent and strong stature makes them one of the most recognisable trees in the Aussie Bush.  

The scent of eucalyptus has been used for various remedies from assisting with colds by opening sinus passageways and as a natural insect repellent.   

An easy way to diffuse eucalyptus around your home is by making these pinecone flowers. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the cut pinecone and you have yourself an instant diffuser.  

Adult help will be needed with this craft as the pinecones can be spiky when cut.  It’s also important to be careful when adding eucalyptus essential oil to your flowers; adult supervision is a must with this craft.  

Materials for Eucalyptus Infused Pinecone Flowers

  • Pinecones 
  • Sharp Knife 
  • Secateurs 
  • Scissors 
  • Hack Saw 
  • Chopping Board 
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil  
  • Adult Supervision 



STEP 1: Grab a pinecone and place on the chopping board. You want to use the hack saw to cut the middle/bottom section of the pinecone. Adult assistance will be needed as it can be tricky cutting through the middle of the pinecone. If you find the pine cone is too prickly, wear garden gloves to protect your hands.  

STEP 2: Once the pinecone is cut, you will see it has uneven edges. Trim sections of pines to create your flower. This helps make the petals look even. 

STEP 3: Cut a few pinecones to create a several pinecone flowers. 

STEP 4: Add a drop of eucalyptus essential oil to the pinecone. You will have an instant diffuser and these can be placed around the home. Place them high on a console or bookcase to prevent pets (or toddlers) from reaching for them.   

These eucalyptus infused pinecone flowers can make a delightful gift. Eucalyptus scent is perfect for this time of year when sinus problems and colds are common. Eucalyptus will open the sinus passageways for easier breathing.  

Other Crafts for Winter


May Gibbs Craft

Crafty Bec
Crafty Bec is here to help stimulate little imaginations and spark a creative flame in little people. Inspired by May Gibbs’ own passion for creative writing and art, Bec helps educators and mums to embrace nature inspired creativity.