Spread Peace: Letter Tile Ribbon Christmas Decoration

Date :
November 21, 2021

Tile Letter Ribbon Decorations HeaderSpread Peace: Letter Tile Ribbon Christmas Decoration

Words are important as they can be put into sentences to form paragraphs which turn into stories. And oh, how we all love a good story! May Gibbs stories always take us on an adventure and they make for a lovely distraction when the world has been unsettling.  

This easy Christmas decoration craft was inspired from Be a Fun Mum. Christmas ribbon was used as a base to form teacher names using Scrabble tile letter pieces for a personalised gift idea.  

For this craft, we’ve used May Gibbs ribbon and rather than spelling a name of a loved one or teacher, we’ve formed words to inspire the New Year ahead.  

Peace, Joy and Hope are very much words we all need to aspire to and be inspired by. Let’s spread peace this Christmas with our words and actions.  

These Letter Tile Ribbon Christmas Decorations make a heart-warming gift for a loved one. They can also be used as gift tags on Christmas presents.  


Tile Letter Ribbon Decoration Materials

  • May Gibbs ribbon 
  • Hot glue gun 
  • Scissors 
  • Braided paper trim 
  • Wood letter tiles 
  • Cord or string 




  1. Cut a piece of the braided paper and May Gibbs ribbon to a length which will accommodate your chosen word. For Peace, we measured and cut a length to 25cm.Tile Letter Ribbon Decoration Step 1  
  2. Use the hot glue gun to glue the ribbon to the braided paper. The braided paper will give a firmer foundation for the letter tiles to adhere to.  Tile Letter Ribbon Decoration Step 2
  3. Fold over the top end of the decoration and glue into place.Tile Letter Ribbon Decoration Step 3  
  4. Thread a piece of cord or string through the loop and knot it. This will allow for the decoration to hang from the tree.  Tile Letter Ribbon Decoration Step 4
  5. Start to add your wood letter tiles to form your chosen word Tile Ribbon Decoration Step 5
  6. Once the word is complete, trim any ends of the ribbon. Tile Letter Ribbon Decoration Step 6 

Your Letter Tile Ribbon Decoration is ready to hang on the Christmas tree or adorn a gift.  

Tile Letter Ribbon Decoration

Other Christmas Decorations to Make


May Gibbs CraftCrafty Bec
Crafty Bec is here to help stimulate little imaginations and spark a creative flame in little people. Inspired by May Gibbs’ own passion for creative writing and art, Bec helps educators and mums to embrace nature inspired creativity.