Make a May Gibbs Ribbon Scrunchie

Date :
November 28, 2021

Ribbon Scrunchie

Make a May Gibbs Ribbon Scrunchie

This May Gibbs Ribbon Scrunchie craft brings back memories of my childhood. Believe it or not, scrunchies were a big trend in the 80’s and 90’s. If you weren’t able to sew, you could knot scrap pieces of fabric together to create a textured scrunchie. It was an easy craft to make on school holidays or at Girl’s Brigade. 

Now, scrunchies have returned as a must have hair accessory. They are a practical way to keep hair tied back to keep your neck cool in the heat of an Aussie summer 

With this scrunchie, I used ribbon from my May Gibbs craft supplies – which are still available at Spotlight.  

These scrunchies make gorgeous gifts and who doesn’t love a bit of handmade at Christmas time? Make a few ribbon scrunchies to give to friends and classmates at school for a budget friendly gift idea.  


Ribbon Scrunchie Materials

  • Metal free elastic hair ties 
  • May Gibbs ribbon 
  • Scissors 






  1. Cut a piece of ribbon to your preferred length for the scrunchie. I made my ribbon lengths 25cm.  Ribbon Scrunchies Step 1
  2. Loop the ribbon around the elastic band as per the image below to create a firm hold – or a knot around the elastic tie.  Ribbon Scrunchies Step 2
  3. Cut remaining ribbon into 25cm pieces so you can loop each own around the hair elastic.  Ribbon Scrunchies Step 3
  4. Keep looping and knotting each piece of ribbon around the hair elastic until it is completely covered. Ribbon Scrunchie Step 4 
  5. Once the ribbon scrunchie has been made, you can give it as a gift or keep it for yourself to put your hair into a ponytail.  

Other Ribbon & Material Craft Gift Ideas


May Gibbs CraftCrafty Bec
Crafty Bec is here to help stimulate little imaginations and spark a creative flame in little people. Inspired by May Gibbs’ own passion for creative writing and art, Bec helps educators and mums to embrace nature inspired creativity.