Pine Cone Bush Fairy Craft

Date :
June 30, 2023

Bush Fairy CraftThis Pine Cone Bush Fairy craft is the perfect project to make these winter school holidays. Before the craft is made, it requires hunting and gathering supplies to make these cute mini bush fairies.

If you search the ground along parks or bushland, you will find fallen pine cones and liquid amber leaves that can be used to make pine cone bush fairies.

Using inspiration from May Gibbs, search for native flowers that can be added as hair or a halo on your fairy.

Once your fairy is complete, you might like to make a Bush Fairy Letterbox for imaginative play.

Pine Cone Fairy Materials

Pine Cones

Bush Fairy Craft MaterialsRound timber beads

Native flowers

Sharpie pen

Hot glue gun

Autumn leaves

Scissors – for trimming native flowers for the hair/halo


STEP 1: Collect your materials to design your fairy. A single bead can be inserted on top of the pine cone for the bush fairy’s head. The liquid amber leaf will be the fairy wings.

STEP 2: Use a hot glue gun to glue the bead onto the pine cone and apply a line of glue on the leaf to adhere to the back of the pine cone.

STEP 3: Select native flowers to adorn the top of the fairy’s head. I placed a small bloom in the top hole of the bead and created a native halo. Apply glue to the top of the head to adhere the native flowers.

Bush Fairy Craft

STEP 4: Use a Sharpie pen to draw eyes and a mouth on your fairy.

STEP 5: Repeat the process to make a few bush fairies to play with in the garden.

Bush Fairy Craft

Other Pine Cone Crafts

Eucalyptus Infused Pine Cone Flowers

Pine Cone Christmas Trees


May Gibbs Craft

Crafty Bec
Crafty Bec is here to help stimulate little imaginations and spark a creative flame in little people. Inspired by May Gibbs’ own passion for creative writing and art, Bec helps educators and mums to embrace nature inspired creativity.