May Gibbs Ribbon Flower Ring

Date :
May 6, 2023

Ribbon Flower Ring

May Gibbs Ribbon Flower Ring for Mothers Day

A handmade Mother’s Day gift is one of my favourite gifts to receive as a mum. What’s even better is when I can wear it with pride on Mother’s Day to show off the gift.  

This May Gibbs Ribbon Flower Ring is a stunning accessory and if your mum loves May Gibbs, she will absolutely adore wearing this ring.  

It’s a very simple craft and doesn’t need a lot of materials. However, it can be a bit tricky folding the ribbon and gluing each fold to create the flower. You need another set of hands to help. 

Materials for May Gibbs Ribbon Flower Ring Craft

  • Materials required to ribbon flower ring
  • May Gibbs ribbon (20-30cm) 
  • Small button 
  • Scissors 
  • Hot glue gun 
  • Ring backing – available at craft stores in the jewellery-making section 




Adult help will be needed to help glue the ribbon into a flower shape.  

  1. STEP 1: Take your ribbon and start to fold it so it can be fanned out. This will give indentations to the ribbon as you will need to let it unravel so a dot of glue can be inserted into the base of each fold.  
  1. STEP 2: Start to re-fold on the crease of the ribbon and get adult help to apply a dot of glue into the base of each fold. You want the ribbon to fan out into a circle to create a flower shape.  
  1. STEP 3: Glue each end of the ribbon to complete your flower. Trim off any excess ribbon.  

Visual instructions for ribbon ring

  1. STEP 4: Dab glue to the face of the ring.  
  1. STEP 5: Add a button to the middle of the flower with another dab of glue.  
  1. STEP 6: Allow the glue to dry and store the ring in a safe place until it’s ready to gift to mum.   

Ribbon flower ring being worn

Other May Gibbs Crafts for Mother’s Day Gifts


May Gibbs Craft

Crafty Bec
Crafty Bec is here to help stimulate little imaginations and spark a creative flame in little people. Inspired by May Gibbs’ own passion for creative writing and art, Bec helps educators and mums to embrace nature inspired creativity.