Date : November 4, 2019
All around the world, young people are striking from school and protesting government inaction on climate change. It’s a global phenomenon that your child will certainly be aware of – and most of them will want to participate in some way. So, how do you talk to your child about school strikes for climate change? What can you and your child do at home to help them be eco-conscious on a daily basis, not just on strike day? Read on to find out!
Conversations on climate
Climate change might be a debatable topic in parliaments around the world, but it certainly isn’t for scientists. Your child might be confused that there are people in positions of power who speak about not ‘believing’ in climate change, while scientists and teachers call for governments to act, based on the plethora of scientific evidence available. This is confusing for everyone, not just for children. Your child’s teachers are probably talking about this very thing in the classroom, but it definitely can’t hurt to show them a few educational videos on YouTube aimed at their age group. There are also several great articles aimed at explaining the fallacies and misconceptions out there about climate change.
One of the best ways to help your child engage in a conversation about climate change is to introduce them to kids their own age participating in climate strikes. Greta Thunberg is a great example of a kid who went from protesting by herself in her home city, to inspiring a global strike movement that governments can’t help but take notice of. You can talk about how small actions that might seem insignificant on a planetary scale can actually mean the world. Another great idea is to find youth groups in your local community that are devoted to climate change and environmental activism. Talk about attending a workshop or any other activities they may be doing locally. By applying the big issues to the world your child is familiar with, they’ll be able to better comprehend and relate.
Be the change you want to see in the world
Kids often learn best by example, so it’s important to start practicing eco-friendly habits at home. There are a number of different things you can do.
Firstly, try reducing the single-use plastic you use in your home. Glad wrap, takeaway containers, plastic straws, sandwich bags, and other single use plastics can be replaced with paper, cardboard, and glass. Wrap sandwiches in paper, use reusable containers for lunches, and fill water bottles from home rather than buying plastic bottles. Your child will feel like they’re part of the solution.