Make Bush Stick Heart Coasters for Valentine’s Day

Date :
February 5, 2021

Bush Stick Heart Coasters for Valentines Day Valentine’s Day Bush Stick Heart Coasters

February in Australia is known as one of the hottest months of the year. It’s also the month of love because Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14th February.

Not everyone celebrates Valentine’s Day but it can serve as a reminder to be grateful for the people we love in our lives. From parents, to grandparents, aunts, uncles and yes, your siblings, too. Even your friends at school and those in your various sports  and community circles.

The Adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie wouldn’t be the same without their bush friends. Community is the best Valentine’s present anyone could ask for.

With that said, if there is someone special you’d like to send a gift to this Valentine’s Day, why not make something they can use like these Bush Stick Heart Coasters? They will certainly make the recipient smile every time they have a beverage.



Sticks of various lengths but similar thickness

Valentines Day Bush Stick Heart Coasters MaterialsCork board



Hot glue gun

Lead pencil

Heart Stencil


Where to source a heart stencil

To get the shape of the coaster, I printed a heart shape on white paper, cut the shape out and used this as a stencil. Microsoft Word has a heart shape which you can size accordingly on your page and print out. You can make the coaster as big or small as you like.



Use a lead pencil to trace around the heart stencil on the cork board.Valentines Day Bush Stick Heart Coasters Step 1


Cut out the heart shapes using scissors.Valentines Day Bush Stick Heart Coaster Step 2


Sort through your bush sticks and start to arrange them on the cork board. Use the secateurs to trim the sticks so they remain inside the heart shape.

Valentines Day Bush Stick Heart Coaster Step 3 Valentines Day Bush Stick Heart Coaster Step 3.1

Use a hot glue gun to secure each stick in place. Add any smaller pieces to spaces the sticks didn’t reach to.

Valentines Day Bush Stick Heart Coaster Step 4


Remove any hot gun glue residue from the sticks.

Valentines Day Bush Stick Heart Coaster Step 5


Your coasters are now ready to be used under a mug of hot tea or given away as a gift.

Valentines Day Bush Stick Heart Coaster Step 6

Other Bush Stick Crafts

Make Bush Stick Note Pad Holder

Make a Bush Stick Pen Holder

Crafty Bec is here to help stimulate little imaginations and spark a creative flame in little people. Inspired by May Gibbs’ own passion for creative writing and art, Bec helps educators and mums to embrace nature inspired creativity.